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Wildlife conservation is both my professional and personal passion. Throughout my training I've had the opportunity to work in captive and wild contexts with a number of species, including bottlenose dolphins, California sea lions, chimpanzees, capuchin monkeys, and moor macaque monkeys. 

I am currently a PhD Student in the Integrative Conservation program at the University of Georgia. My home department is Anthropology and I am am member of the Primate Behavioral Ecology lab, Biological Anthropology lab, and Political Ecology lab

My research centers on nonhuman primates. Specifically, my fieldwork focuses on human-primate coexistence in Indonesia, using methods from animal behavior, ecology, and socio-cultural anthropology to understand and address conservation issues. Through this approach I hope to contribute to both people and primates while advancing our scientific understanding of primate behavior and ecology. Indonesia is a diverse, vibrant, and rapidly changing nation with the fourth largest population in the world. Its primates are among the most threatened globally.

Scroll below for an overview of my CV, or jump directly to a section: Education and Skills, Awards and Honors, Grants and Fellowships, Professional Experience, Publications, Conference Participation, Science CommunicationService and Outreach, Professional Development, and Teaching Experience

Ph.D., Integrative Conservation (Expected 2022)

Certificates: University Teaching, Community Engagement

University of Georgia

Athens, Georgia, USA

M.A., Anthropology (2018)

San Diego State University

San Diego, California, USA

B.A., Anthropology (2014)

Magna Cum Laude

University of Georgia

Athens, Georgia, USA


Programs: ArcGIS, R Studio, Excel, Qualtrics, NVivo, MaxQDA

Interview + Survey Design; Behavioral Data Collection


Bahasa Indonesia (Intermediate)

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Featured Ph.D. Student, Integrative Conservation Program (2020)

William S. Pollitzer Student Travel Award, American Association of Physical Anthropologists (2019)


Dean’s Excellence Fund award, College of Arts and Letters, San Diego State University (2018)


Outstanding Graduating Graduate Student award, Friends of Anthropology, San Diego State University (2018)


2nd place- Behavioral and Social Sciences, Student Research Symposium, California State University System (2018)


President’s Award, Student Research Symposium, San Diego State University (2017)


Sonek Memorial Scholarship, Department of Anthropology, San Diego State University (2016, 2017)

Norton Allen Scholarship, Department of Anthropology, San Diego State University (2014)

Zell Miller Scholarship, University of Georgia (2010-2014)

Dean’s List, University of Georgia (2011-2014)

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2020, Scholar Award, Philanthropic Educational Organization ($15,000).

2019, J. William Fanning Graduate Fellowship, University of Georgia Graduate School ($5,000)

2019, Robert E. Rhoades Pre-Dissertation Award, Department of Anthropology, University of Georgia ($800)

2019, Doctoral Summer Research Travel Grant, University of Georgia ($710)

2019, Communicating Research and Scholarship Grant, University of Georgia ($1,500)

2018, Campus Sustainability Grant, University of Georgia ($4,746)


2018,  Fulbright-Hays Group Study Abroad Scholarship, US Department of Education ($6,500)

2018, Innovative and Interdisciplinary Research Grant, University of Georgia ($2,500)

2016, Graduate Student Travel Fund, San Diego State University ($1,000)

2016, Student Success Fee- Biological Anthropology Lab, San Diego State University ($17,100)

2015, Student Success Fee- Biological Anthropology Lab, San Diego State University ($5000)

2014, Presidential Graduate Research Fellowship, San Diego State University ($7,218)

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2020-on, PhD Teaching Assistant, Department of Anthropology, University of Georgia

2017-2020, Graduate Research Assistant, Center for Integrative Conservation Research, University of Georgia

2017, Graduate Research Assistant, South Coastal Information Center (Archaeology), San Diego State University

2015-2017, Instructional Student Assistant, Department of Anthropology, San Diego State University

2014-2016, Graduate Research Assistant, Archaeological Collections Management, San Diego State University

2013-2014, Undergraduate Student Assistant, Primate Behavior and Cognition Lab, Department of Psychology, University of Georgia

2013, Animal Behavior Research Intern, Maryland Zoo, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

2013, Animal Care and Training Intern, Navy Marine Mammal Foundation, San Diego, California, USA

In revision. Riley, E.P., Shaffer, C.A., Trinidad, J.S., Morrow, K.S., Sagnotti, C., Carosi, M., Ngakan, P.O. Roadside monkeys: Anthropogenic effects on moor macaque (Macaca maura) ranging behavior in Bantimurung-Bulusaurang National Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia. International Journal of Primatology.

2020. Horsley, S., Hohbein, R., Morrow, K., Green, G.T. What's in a name? A content analysis of environmental NGOs' use of "iconic species" in press releases. Biodiversity and Conservation. 

2019. Fragaszy, D., Morrow, K.S., Baldree, R., Unholz, E., Izar, P., Visalberghi, E., Haslam, M. How bearded capuchin monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus) prepare to use a stone to crack nuts. American Journal of Primatology, e22958. doi: 10.1002/ajp.22958.

2018. Morrow, K.S. Risky Business: Causes and Conservation Implications of Human-Moor Macaque Interaction in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. (Master's Thesis). 

2017. Morrow, K.S., Jameson, K., Trinidad, J. Primates in film. In: A. Fuentes, M. Bezanson, C.J. Campbell, S. Elton, A. Estrada, A. Di Firoe, L. Jones-Engel, J. E. Loudon, K.C. MacKinnon, K.A.I. Nekaris, E.P. Riley, S.R. Ross, C. M. Sanz, R.W. Sussman, B. Thierry, eds.  International Encyclopedia of Primatology. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

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2020. Salmi, R., K. Morrow, Lodwick, J., Scarry, C., Doran-Sheehy, D.M. Home range overlap between two groups of wild western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla). Poster presentation, American Association of Physical Anthropologists meeting [Cancelled due to COVID-19 crisis].

2020. K.S. Morrow. Can we decolonize conservation? Community-NGO collaborations in an era of extinction. Speed presentation, Integrative Conservation Conference. 

2019. K.S. Morrow and E.P. Riley.  The importance of social science research for understanding human-primate coexistence and designing effective conservation communication. Podium presentation, American Society of Primatologists meeting. 

2019. K.S. Morrow and E.P. Riley. Caring for nature: Empathy, anthropomorphism, and encounters with wildlife in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Speed presentation, International Congress for Conservation Biology. 

2018. K.S. Morrow, C. Seigerman, A. Nelson, A. Hsuing, B. Bozeman, M. Miles, D. Cross, S. Kumar, S. Kellum. Georgia Shrimp Fisheries: A complex socio-ecological system. Paper presentation, Integrative Conservation Conference, University of Georgia.

2018. E.P. Riley, J.S. Trinidad, K.S. Morrow, C. Sagnotti, M. Carosi, P.O. Ngakan. Roadside monkeys: the impact of provisioning on moor macaque (Macaca maura) ranging patterns in Bantimurung-Bulusaurang National Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Poster presentation, Association of Tropical Biology meeting.

2018. E.P. Riley, K.T. Hanson, K.S. Morrow, A.A. Zak. Toward a more engaged field primatology: Communicating, engaging, and collaborating with diverse publics. Paper presentation, American Association of Physical Anthropologists meeting.

2018. K.S. Morrow and E.P. Riley. Causes and conservation implications of human-moor macaque interactions in South Sulawesi, Indonesia: insights from ethological and interview data. Paper presentation, American Association of Physical Anthropologists meeting.

2018. K.S. Morrow. Using ethnographic insights and strategic communication to inform wildlife management in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Paper presentation, Symposium on Integrative Conservation, University of Georgia. (Video

2017. K.S. Morrow. Causes and conservation implications of human-moor macaque (Macaca maura) interactions in South Sulawesi Indonesia. Paper presentation, San Diego State University annual Student Research Symposium and California State University System-wide annual Student Research Symposium. 

2015. K. Smith. The potential for social network analysis to theoretically expand ethnoprimatology. Paper presentation, SDSU annual Anthropology Graduate Student Association Research Symposium.

2014. K. Smith, R. Baldree, D. Fragaszy, M. Haslam. Nut-cracking skill in wild capuchin monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus). Poster presentation, UGA Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities Symposium.

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Outreach and Publications

2020. "Bats, wings, and hairy things!" Youth outreach and science communication, Athens Public Library. Supported by Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Public Engagement Grant.

2020. "Palm Oil: The Hidden Ingredient." Public science outreach, STEMZone, University of Georgia.

2019. Monkeys smashing nuts with stones hints at how human tool use evolved. The Conversation

2019-present. K-12 school outreach & science communication. Skye a Scientist program (4 lectures). 

2019. Public science communication, Palm Oil Project, University of Georgia. 

2018. K-12 school outreach & science communication. Language Teaching Center, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Central Java, Indonesia. 

2014-2016. Founder and External Sponsor, Roots and Shoots, City Heights Prep Charter School, San Diego.


2019. Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering (CASE) Workshop, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

2019. Communicating Science Conference, Atlanta, Georgia

2018. Finding Your Audience: Science Communication Workshop (remote), Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science.

2018. Communicating Research and Scholarship (GRSC 8200), University of Georgia. 

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2020-2021, President, Anthropology Graduate Student Organization, University of Georgia. 

2019-2020. Chair, Communication and Publicity Committee, Integrative Conservation Conference.

2019-2020. Student-Faculty Representative, Organized ICON Network and Cooperative, University of Georgia. 

2019-2020. Student-Faculty Representative, Anthropology Graduate Student Association, University of Georgia. 

2019. Chair, Conservation Poster Session, American Society of Primatologists meeting. 

2019. Abstract Reviewer, International Congress for Conservation Biology.

2019-present. Founder, Palm Oil Project, University of Georgia. 


2018-present. Member, Diversity and Inclusion Working Group, Department of Anthropology, University of Georgia.

2018. Program Committee Chair, 2019 Symposium for Integrative Conservation, University of Georgia.

2018-2019. Website Coordinator, Organized ICON Network and Cooperative, University of Georgia.

2017-present. Conservation Committee Member, American Society of Primatologists.

2017-2018. Secretary, Organized ICON Network and Cooperative, University of Georgia.

2015-2016. President, Anthropology Graduate Student Association, San Diego State University.

2014-2015. Fundraising Committee Chair, Anthropology Graduate Student Association, San Diego State University.


2015. Director, Leadership Skills Training Course, Girl Scouts, San Diego, California.

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Conservation + Research Skills

2020. Community Mapping Workshop. Integrative Conservation Conference. 

2019. Workshop to Enhance Collaboration Between U.S. & Indonesia for Biodiversity Conservation, National Science Foundation & RISTEKDIKTI. 

2019. Planning for Human-Wildlife Coexistence: Workshop on Linking Situation Assessment to Decision Making; Chester Zoo, University of Oxford, & University of Sao Paulo. 

2019. Designing Education Programs for Conservation Success, Primate Education Network. 

2018. Advanced Indonesian Language Training, Consortium for Teaching Indonesia, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana. 


2019. Course Design (GRSC 7900), University of Georgia. 

2018. High Impact Teaching Strategies Workshop, Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Georgia.

2018. Presentation Design and Delivery Workshop, OINC, University of Georgia.

2018. Active Learning on the Fly Workshop, Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Georgia.

2018. Alternative Grading Strategies Workshop, Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Georgia.

2017. Creating and Grading Written Assessments Workshop, Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Georgia.

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2020-on. Teaching Assistant, Department of Anthropology, University of Georgia. 

2019-present. Mentorship and research skills training of undergraduate research assistants (4), Palm Oil Project, University of Georgia.


2019. Guest lecture, Primate Behavior and Cognition Lab, University of Georgia. Title: “What is ethnoprimatology? Exploring other areas of primate research.”


2018. Guest lecture, Department of Biology, Universitas Nasional Indonesia. Title: “Human-Wildlife Interactions and Wildlife Conservation in South Sulawesi, Indonesia.”


2018. Guest lectures (3), Department of Anthropology, University of Georgia. Title: “Primatology: An Important Subfield of Anthropology.”


2018. Educational Content Writer, Ecology, MacMillan Publishers.


2017-present. Mentorship of undergraduate Anthropology students (4), including professional development, STEM literacy, critical reading of primary literature, data analysis and presentation, and field preparation. Anthropology Mentor Program, University of Georgia.


2016. Graduate student fieldwork mentor for undergraduates in South Sulawesi, Indonesia, San Diego State University.


2016. Academic writing mentor, resulting in publication with two undergraduate co-authors, San Diego State University.


2015-2017. Instructional Student Teaching Assistant, Department of Anthropology, San Diego State University. Courses: Exploring Primate Behavior, Principles of Anthropological Linguistics, Principles of Socio-Cultural Anthropology.

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